I’ve published some java code for b-spline noise generation on bitbucket. This is how it looks:
I’ve spent some more time on the triangulation, the mesh generation is not perfect yet, sometimes it leaves holes but I think it’s starting the get good enough: I made
I was supposed to finish the tower defence game for mobiles but then I saw this: I was so impressed what people could do with so few polygons and I
I am working on a new version of Shadowess, an old flash game I made many years ago. The game, in its simplicity, received pretty good reviews and I wanted
NaNoGenMo When I posted about my experiment with a programming language to generate natural language, @darkliquid (thanks) hinted me on twitter to try out NaNoGenMo. I replied that I didn’t
Just a quick update on something I have been working on lately. What I really wanted to do is an exploratory procedurally generated text adventure. However, I am not there
Before I forget, here is how I’ve done the shadows for the new version of Shadowess. I realize that this blog post is not very detailed but rather should give
Chat with the bot Click to chat with the bot. Read on for some technical info. Background Last spring I started working on a chat bot. I downloaded a dump
The next project i’m doing is porting my old game ‘Shadowess‘ to stage 3D to benefit from the power of the GPU. By doing so I can see how this
Ludum dare is a game competition where you make a game in 48h. By making a game I mean making everything, music, sound fx, graphics and coding. Coding is no
Since there was so much positive feedback on the prototype I will make a game out of it. I’ll not make a big project, just try to keep it simple
Play the LATEST VERSION here. Here is a little running game I made this week, it’s a one button game. I came across a cool game called Fotonica and thought
Not much has happen here lately, for one I’ve been away for on GDC – which was great. Than I caught an ugly cold that kept me in bed for
Yesterday I was at a dinner, when we arrived we had to choose a beermat for our drinks. All beermats where customized for the guests and you had to figure
Now that I got the level editor running making levels is pretty easy. So I spent some hours throwing together a bunch of levels. I want the start levels to
I had a very productive weekend. Previously I had designed levels directly in xml/json with a standalone simplistic “level paint program”. I didn’t like this setup for many reasons, one
I’ve just released a playable level of the tower defense I’m working on. This first level only contains two simple towers (bullet + slow) and three different enemies, it’s nothing
Howdy hackers, once again I got side tracked from the tower defense game and decided to create a puzzle game. The goal was to make it as quickly as possible
As I was implementing the towers I needed them to aim and shoot on the anticipated position of an enemy, assuming they are moving linearly (no acceleration). This is because
This Jul (Swedish for Christmas) I’m not only eating Julbord, Julfika, Julgröt and drinking Julöl (basically put ‘Jul’ before any word and there you go), I’m also doing some Julcoding.
Right now I’m between two jobs which gives me a week of creative coding, oh yeah! As I said in an earlier post I wanted to create a tower defense game, then
Lately things have been hectic at work, every weekend has been filled with birthdays and I also caught a cold. In short, I’ve had little time to work on my
Randomness adds an extra flavor to games by injecting some unpredictability, something that can surprise the player. It also makes the game less mechanical and more organic. In the game
Unaccordingly to my plan I spent yesterday rewriting my shadow casting routines. What I need is a frustum, or flashlight type of light source. Before, I had solved this by
For quite some time I have been thinking of adding some ray casting into the Spatial Hash. The Spatial Hash is used for broad phase culling, eliminating objects that can’t
After some productive hours I managed to assemble a bot with a few goals, reusing some old code and adding some new. In the example below I added four goals
To test my experiment with a tower defense in an AI sandbox I started by implementing some basics. In this first step I generated a random “world” with boxes on
When I get some spare time I tend to start coding, or play tower defense games. Having played hundreds of Tower Defense games, I understood what elements I was missing.
Hexagons have always fascinated me, they appear everywhere, in architecture, computer games and more curiously; this rather symmetrical structure emerge in a lot of places naturally. Snow crystal: Bee hive:
Here is the source code for an AS3 vector 2d class I wrote (Vec2.as and Vec2Const.as), feel free to use it and link back if you like it. Here are
This is the art and code factory (namely our living room). You can see Annas MacBook Pro to the left and my glowing Dell XPS to the right. Robot Oeidipus
When I wrote the Playchilla Physics Engine last summer I needed a broad phase algorithm to reduce the number of collisions to check. There are several ways to do this
As3 is lacking a powerful const keyword, this post will show a few tricks to simulate const. Anyone who has worked with C++ has encountered the keyword ‘const’. This can
During my summer holidays I spent some time to build a simple AS3 physics engine just to get a hang of how it works. Features Simultaneous motion – The Playchilla
As we enjoy building (not always useful) things we thought we might just as well share them with you!