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Archive for the ‘AI and game development’ Category

National Novel Generation Month: NaNoGenMo

NaNoGenMo When I posted about my experiment with a programming language to generate natural language, @darkliquid (thanks) hinted me on twitter to try out NaNoGenMo. I replied that I didn’t really have time for it. But then, unwillingly I had an idea I wanted to try out so I decided to spend a few days […]

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A programming language for natural language generation

Just a quick update on something I have been working on lately. What I really wanted to do is an exploratory procedurally generated text adventure. However, I am not there yet. After playing around with natural language generation (NLG) I came to realise that it’s much harder than I first expected. I tried several approaches […]

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Experimental chatbot

Chat with the bot Click to chat with the bot. Read on for some technical info. Background Last spring I started working on a chat bot. I downloaded a dump of wikitionary and let the bot read it. From that it created a two graphs. One graph with syntactic rules (VERB->PREPOSITION->NOUN etc). The second graph […]

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Ludum Dare – cell.evolve

Ludum dare is a game competition where you make a game in 48h. By making a game I mean making everything, music, sound fx, graphics and coding. Coding is no problem, but with the rest I am so noob. Anyways, I finally pulled my self together to participate. I decided to sleep all I needed […]

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Making a puzzle game in 4 days

Howdy hackers, once again I got side tracked from the tower defense game and decided to create a puzzle game. The goal was to make it as quickly as possible and not spend time on building overly complicated stuff. The puzzle game is inspired from one of the Machinarium in-game puzzles: I found this puzzle […]

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Shooting at a moving target as3

As I was implementing the towers I needed them to aim and shoot on the anticipated position of an enemy, assuming they are moving linearly (no acceleration). This is because the bullets in my game are physics entities that won’t hit the enemy instantly but after some time as it travels towards the predicted interception […]

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Project Shadowess

I think the prototype offspring I’ve been playing with is decent enough to develop further. Therefore I’ve decided to go forward with it and make a little game. It will probably be a short story, with no spectacular graphics that requires movement and puzzle skills. I’ll probably make about 30 levels, with only a few […]

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Game Prototype 2

I’ve redone some of the previous levels and added a few new. I also added a new pickup that will reveal itself on the last level (12), if anyone can get there. I think some levels are pretty hard, but I won’t spend too much time on tweaking since this is a prototype. Update: – […]

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Game prototype

I have composed a small prototype of a “hide in the shadows from the evil bots” game. This was not the original plan, but it seemed fun so I went with it. This prototype only consists of 7 small levels (once you completed the last you will spawn on the first again). It has no […]

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Multiple bots

Here is a small update, instead of just having one bot running around there are now many of them. I still haven’t been able to tag all of them on the first level. I also tweaked the control a bit for better control for the user. Another thing I did was to disable shadow casting […]

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A goal driven bot

After some productive hours I managed to assemble a bot with a few goals, reusing some old code and adding some new. In the example below I added four goals 1) LookAround – the head of the bot looking in random directions (visualized with the flashlight) 2) RandomWalk – the bot picks a random spot […]

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Astar sandbox

To test my experiment with a tower defense in an AI sandbox I started by implementing some basics. In this first step I generated a random “world” with boxes on which I implemented the famous A* algorithm. As a start the user can move around in the sandbox by clicking on the destination. For simplicity […]

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Tower Defense

When I get some spare time I tend to start coding, or play tower defense games. Having played hundreds of Tower Defense games, I understood what elements I was missing. Generally tower defense games are pretty linear. Enemies, or creeps, come lined up after a path which you try to stop with towers. To stop […]

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